Over 2013-15, the Scottish Government provided time-limited funding to 16 projects across Scotland to establish new and develop existing community services for women who offend. A national evaluation examined how these services were implemented and to what extent they contributed towards positive outcomes for women (associated with reduced reoffending). This national evaluation was completed at the end of May 2015. It was undertaken by Ruth Dryden and Colleen Souness, former Associates at Iriss
The evaluation has been published on the Scottish Government website along with research findings.
A video presentation I see a future that I smile about by Colleen and Ruth provides some of the findings from the evaluation, and was originally delivered and discussed with women's community justice social work practitioners and others at the Women's Service's Forum on 21 May in Hamilton.
You can also watch I am just another 'female offender' by Colleen Souness. It was inspired by reverse poetry.