Reducing the overcriminalisation of care-experienced young people in Scotland
Towards a model of best practice
Towards a model of best practice
ESSS Outline
Insight 40
Over 2013-15, the Scottish Government provided time-limited funding to 16 projects across Scotland to establish new and develop existing community services for women who offend. A national evaluation examined how these services were implemented and to what extent they contributed towards positive outcomes for women (associated with reduced reoffending). This national evaluation was completed at the end of May 2015. It was undertaken by Ruth Dryden and Colleen Souness, former Associates at Iriss
Insight 13
Research soundbite
Professor Fergus McNeill discusses research he has been working on with Beth Weaver about desistance. The bulk of the clip focuses on a chapter they co-authored entitled 'Travelling Hopefully: Desistance Research and Probation Practice' where the metaphor of a journey is used to depict the process of desistance).
Case study
This multimedia learning object familiarises students with the framework, key principles and statutes surrounding social work intervention with families and adult offenders. It tells the story of Ian and Shavita who have been married five years, are in their early thirties and live with their two young children in an owner occupied home in an affluent suburb of Glasgow.
Stages involved in the provision of a throughcare service to prisoners
This resource guides users through the various stages involved in the provision of a throughcare service to prisoners, from the point of sentence through to release and supervision within the community.
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