
UNCRC comes into force

Yesterday marked the commencement of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law recognising children’s rights. We want to celebrate this landmark with others. For some the work has already begun, for others it is about to really get going. We'd like to share some resources that focus on this historic development for the rights of children and young people. 

Evaluation of Women's Community Justice Centres: findings published

Over 2013-15, the Scottish Government provided time-limited funding to 16 projects across Scotland to establish new and develop existing community services for women who offend. A national evaluation examined how these services were implemented and to what extent they contributed towards positive outcomes for women (associated with reduced reoffending). This national evaluation was completed at the end of May 2015. It was undertaken by Ruth Dryden and Colleen Souness, former Associates at Iriss

Crime and justice research collection published

Iriss has been involved in the development of a crime and justice research collection, which contains a mixture of podcasts and videos about recent research on crime and justice related topics.

The collection has been designed to improve access to, and awareness of, research findings and debate. It includes a combination of videos and audio, and has been supported by the Higher Education Academy: C-SAP Network, Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR) and Iriss.

Influencing trust and confidence in the London Metropolitan Police

Research soundbite

SCCJR's Ben Bradford discusses his paper about influencing trust and confidence in the London Met (co-authored with Elizabeth Stanko and Katrin Hohl). The paper details how the researchers measured levels of trust and confidence in the police across areas of London.

Culture, change and community justice

Research soundbite

Professor Fergus McNeill discusses a literature review of the management of change within community justice organisations, conducted with Ros Burnett and Tricia McCulloch. The review explored:

Criminal justice in Scotland - Mary Munro

Research soundbite

Mary Munro talks about a new book she edited with Hazel Croall and Gerry Mooney, entitled 'Criminal Justice in Scotland'. The book was published in December 2010, for further details see Criminal Justice in Scotland.

In this clip Mary talks about some of the key themes and issues explored in the book:

Making the transition: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Research soundbite

Andy Aitchison, lecturer in social policy at the University of Edinburgh, talks about his book, 'Making the Transition: International Intervention, State-Building and Criminal Justice Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina', which was published in early 2011.