Preliminary report on a survey of practice-related research
Preliminary findings of a study of practice-related research activity within social work agencies.
Preliminary findings of a study of practice-related research activity within social work agencies.
Learning for Effective and Ethical Practice
Evaluation of a novel method of supporting the integration of learning for practice in Social Work settings: the Academic Advisor role. This evaluation examines the process and workings of a new approach to the integration of learning and practice, namely the introduction of Academic Advisors to practice learning settings in Edinburgh, Midlothian and Glasgow.
Agency-based practice learning opportunities
Prior to the implementation of the Project's Demonstration Model, the key themes highlighted by the Practice Audit and Literature Review were used to design two pilot projects, which were run in Local Authority Social Work settings between February and May 2004 (Bruce, 2004). One pilot project was based in Aberdeen City Council's Criminal Justice Service, and another pilot project in Children's Services, Aberdeenshire Council.
Learning For Effective And Ethical Practice
Opportunities for interprofessional learning and agency-based practice learning opportunities. This practice audit was carried out as part of the Learning for Effective and Ethical Practice project, funded by the Scottish Institute for Excellence in Social Work Education. The audit examined three different but related areas: integration of learning for practice, opportunities for inter-professional learning and agency-based learning opportunities.
Learning For Effective And Ethical Practice
This report reflects the requirement of Objective 1.3 of the LEEP Project: Systematically review and thematically summarise the literature (using both existing summaries and new sources) concerned with agency based practice learning across a range of settings, drawing conclusions designed to assist HEIs to develop effective approaches.
Learning For Effective And Ethical Practice
Demonstration project evaluation report. Three Higher Education Institutions are involved in the development of the LEEP Project: the University of Edinburgh has a leading role in enhancing the integration of learning for practice (objective 1), the University of Dundee is focusing on developing opportunities for inter-professional learning (objective 2), and the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, is working in partnership with social work agencies to achieve objective 3.
Learning for Effective and Ethical Practice
Executive summary of the evaluation report for the agency-based practice learning demonstration project.