
Parents Protect

Child sexual abuse is a not a subject that most people choose to dwell on for very long, however, the reality is that we are living in a world where such abuses can and do occur. Fortunately, there are initiatives doing good work to raise awareness of the issue and provide support in preventing child abuse.

Getting it right

Assessments for BME carers and service users

Learning resource that provides the necessary skills and knowledge to critically examine how the needs of minority ethnic carers and service users are being met.

Supporting outcomes-focused practice

Iriss Forum 2010

Iriss Forum 2010 - Challenging times, creative solutions was the first Iriss Forum. Those who attended had the opportunity to hear from a number of speakers and found out how Iriss can support the social services workforce to 'do things differently'. Was focused on how solutions can be found by working in partnership to deliver successful outcomes for the people that access Scotland's social services.

Service user and carers group

This film explains how the Service User and Carer Group at Dundee University was established. It explains how member's help to influence Social Work Education and the impact carer's and service user involvement has on student development.

Social Work Education Participation (SWEP)

What better way to gain an insight into the current needs of social services other than to ask the service users and carers themselves? The Social Work Education Participation (SWEP) website aims to achieve this by giving a voice to service users and carers -people who are often isolated - on their experiences of, and perspectives on, social care.

Self management and rehabilitation

A new managed knowledge network (MKN) from NHS Education Scotland provides access to information and evidence about adult rehabilitation and the management of long term conditions. Rehabilitation in this context is defined as "a process aiming to restore personal autonomy to those aspects of daily life considered most relevant by service users, and their carers."

Downsed international

Downsed International is the website of Down Syndrome Education International: a UK based organisation working to educate professionals, service users, and carers about the developmental processes of people with Down syndrome and how best to support them.

Integrated assessment: a comprehensive knowledge review

Integrated Assessment

The overall aim of the Integrated Assessment Project was to develop innovative flexible and aligned assessment methods to promote deep learning for ethical and effective practice. It comprised of three discrete projects with the following key objectives:

  • Project 3.1 New Methods of Assessment
  • Project 3.2 Shared Assessment
  • Project 3.3. Involvement of Users and Carers