
Covid-19, low incomes and poverty

ESSS Outline

Evidence summary that provides an overview of recent evidence relating to Covid-19 and how it affects those on low incomes and in poverty.

Distributed leadership in early years and childcare

ESSS Outline

Explores distributed approaches to leadership in the context of childcare and early years settings. It provides some background to Scottish policy priorities and principles of leadership and distributed approaches.

Seeking workshop contributions

You are invited to provide a workshop contribution to a national conference to share and promote best practice in service user and carer involvement in professional education.

The conference will be held on 26 April 2017 at the University of Stirling and bring together service users and carers, students, educators, professionals and policy-makers. It will be relevant to social work, health, education and other areas of professional education, at qualifying and post-qualifying levels.

Workshops should:

Shaping the future

Making a successful transition from student to social worker

What's it like for a student leaving university and making the transition into the world of work?

Iriss teamed up with Glasgow Caledonian University, SSSC, the Scottish Association of Social Workers and the Scottish Government to find out. About 120 final year students as well as newly qualified social workers gathered at GCU on 22 January 2015 to share information and experience with aim of helping to shape the future direction of social work.