Human rights

UNCRC comes into force

Yesterday marked the commencement of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots law recognising children’s rights. We want to celebrate this landmark with others. For some the work has already begun, for others it is about to really get going. We'd like to share some resources that focus on this historic development for the rights of children and young people. 

Values statements of disability organisations

ESSS Outline

Looks at how the diverse needs of disabled people can be addressed in an organisation’s values statement. It also summarises evidence on the values that can support the workforce in delivering quality disability services, and how these values can be integrated in the third sector.

Frameworks for child participation in social care

ESSS Outline

Summarises evidence relating to participation frameworks for children and young people in social care, including examples of good practice as well as specific contexts, such as in child protection, and with BAME and disabled youth.