Imagining the Future: leadership for change programme
Workshop summary report
Iriss annual Champions event 2014
Report of annual champions event 2014
Iriss annual champions event took place at New Lanark Mill Hotel on 12th and 13th November 2014. Twenty six champions made their way from as far north as Shetland and as far south as Dumfries and Galloway.
Imagining the future
What's next for Scotland's social services? An animated exploration.
Imagining the Future: Workforce
The future social services workforce in Scotland 2025
Aims and ambitions
Over the next 10-15 years there are likely to be significant changes both in the numbers requiring access to support and the strategies for responding to this.
Imagining the Future: Citizenship and Innovation
How innovation in social services can advance citizenship for all in Scotland
Imagining the Future
Background and rationale
Imagining the Future: Enabling technology
How technology might affect social care by 2025
Written by Kevin Doughty, Centre for Usable Home Technology.
With thanks to those who attended the workshops for each of the three themes - the other two are Citizenship and Workforce - and contributed to scoping the reports.