Vikki Milne and Jamie Aarons are part of the Adult Support and Protection Team in Scottish Government.
We are delighted to see the development of the ASPire Hub, which launches today (28 August). Within it, you will find a wide range of useful resources, which illustrate the diverse topics and issues relevant to Adult Support and Protection practice.
Jeanette and Ian from Iriss have created the ASPire Hub to be really user-friendly. We hope you will find it straightforward to search for helpful resources – finding resources you’re looking for and additional gems you didn’t even know existed!
We are really pleased the Hub is now available. This brings together practice-based resources developed by Iriss, the National Adult Support and Protection Coordinator (NASPC), ASP Partnerships and other ASP-stakeholder organisations, with a view to strengthening and disseminating work undertaken by national groups and networks.
Many thanks to those who have already contributed. With Jeanette continuing as central to the ASPire Hub’s development, we have a collective responsibility to ensure it is useful across the ASP workforce. If you think you have something which might be of interest, then please do share it.
We hope you find the ASPire Hub as helpful as we do.
…and an extra message from Jeanette at Iriss
I’m really proud to have led on the development of the new ASPire Hub. The vision for it is to be a go-to place for everyone who works in Adult Support and Protection in Scotland. Make sure you check back regularly, because new material is added every week!
In my very first callout for content, over a year ago, I wrote that “no single person knows everything, but together we know a huge amount – and by sharing our knowledge, we can help make ASP better for everyone.” I still stand by that statement. Even just by compiling and uploading the material on the ASPire Hub so far, I feel like my ASP knowledge has increased on everything, from hoarding, to exploitation, to chronologies. These and other categories will grow, and over the months and years to come they will become incredibly rich repositories of our collective work and wisdom. If you have something to contribute, you can send it to us via the ASPire Hub itself.
In the near future we will also be creating dedicated sections of the ASPire Hub, regularly swapping around our featured resource, and publishing new blogs on all aspects of ASP. If you’d like to know more, ask questions, or even volunteer to write a future blog, get in touch! We can be found at