ASPire hub

Reflecting on the ASPire hub, A place to share resources and good practice in Adult Support and Protection.

The National ASP Learning and Development Framework (and more)

Reflections from the National Adult Support and Protection Co-ordinator

I have now been in post for a little over two years as the National Adult Support and Protection Coordinator – which I find very hard to believe, it has completely flown by!

The National ASP Learning & Development Framework - get involved!

Launching the multi-agency quality improvement framework for Adult Support and Protection

A collaboration between the Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS)

We published the quality improvement framework (QIF) on 15 October 2024. The primary purpose of the QIF is to support Adult Support and Protection partnerships to carry out multi-agency self-evaluations of their adult support and protection arrangements. We can also use the QIF to underpin future joint inspections of Adult Support and Protection.

Making Adult Support and Protection 'everyone’s business’

The perspective of a Training and Development Officer

The revised Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007: Code of Practice (the ‘Code’) was published on 28 July 2022. Organisations and local partnerships then began the work of considering how to adapt and - if required - change their local guidance, procedures and practice to align with the revised Code. The next step was to implement those adaptations and changes.

Welcome to the ASPire (Adult Support and Protection) Hub!

A message from Vikki and Jamie at Scottish Government

We are delighted to see the development of the ASPire Hub, which launches today (28 August). Within it, you will find a wide range of useful resources, which illustrate the diverse topics and issues relevant to Adult Support and Protection practice.