This collection brings together key Iriss resources on the topic of leadership. It includes podcasts, resources on supervision, evidence summaries, stories and a case study.
The episode with Sue Stockdale explores leadership in a crisis and provides context for the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on this topic. Sue is a motivational speaker, executive coach and leadership consultant. podcast episodes
Leadership stories: developing effective supervision
Improving understanding about supervision
Distributed leadership in early years and childcare
ESSS Outline
What does good leadership look like?
On the 1st of June 2017, Iriss and SSSC ran a workshop in Glasgow which asked:
‘What does good leadership look like in Scotland’s social services?’
Imagining the Future: leadership for change programme
Workshop summary report
Leading change in supervision
Messages from practice
Achieving effective supervision
Insight 30
Imagining the future
What's next for Scotland's social services? An animated exploration.
How good is our leadership?
Learning from Angus Council, written by Fran Deacon and Pam Linton
This case study is based on the key findings of research undertaken within Angus Council Social Work and Health (Deacon, 2011), which asked the question - how good is our leadership?