
In-depth articles and guest posts on internal and sector-related topics.

Info 4 Care Kids

Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), with the support of Voice, the Who Cares Trust and the Fostering Network, has produced a website that informs looked-after children and young people on what care, supports and choices are available to them. Info 4 Care Kids has been developed in partnership with children and young people, so the voices of these individuals underpin the shape and content of the resource.

Final Fling

It's a subject that not everyone wants to embrace or give due consideration to in life, but most people would agree that dying is a natural part of life, and is something that all of us, perhaps, should consider and plan for appropriately. An initiative that recognises the importance of celebrating life and making decisions about death is Final Fling, a website recently launched by Barbara Chalmers of Plan B Collective.

Find Me Good Care

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) is developing a website that will help people to make choices about care. It will cover all types of care and support for adults including regulated and unregulated services in England, and will provide links to specialist websites, including local services, specialist and independent financial advisers.

Reshaping Care and Support Planning

Reshaping Care and Support Planning is a nationally approved, awareness raising resource for outcome-focused care and support planning within adult registered services in Scotland. It was devised, developed and published in a partnership between the Iriss, Care Inspectorate, Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability (SCLD), Joint Improvement Team (JIT) and Scottish Care.


DirectScot is an experimental prototype of a public service website for Scotland. Developed by the Scottish Government, it is a response to the ongoing debate on how government services can be delivered more efficiently in the digital age.

Community Catalysts

Community Catalysts is a Community Interest Company established in January 2010 by and working in close partnership with the charity Shared Lives Plus, an organisation that promotes the effective provision of accommodation, care and support for vulnerable adults within very small-scale family and community settings. Community Catalysts works to harness the talents of people and communities to provide imaginative solutions to social issues and care needs, giving them greater choice in the way they live their lives.


bespoken is a social media website dedicated to building a community that aims to include disabled people in the design of everyday household products from their own homes, and where they can share ideas and tips on how to overcome everyday challenges that are faced with appliances and technology.


SWAPBox is a digital repository that brings together open educational resources - social work and social policy learning and teaching materials - that can be freely used and repurposed for use with students in the classroom or in working practice. Examples of some of these materials includes handouts, exercises, podcasts and videos.

Social Media Week 2011 for the Third Sector

Glasgow is one of the cities hosting Social Media Week (#socialmediaweek), which will take place from 19-23 September 2011. The week will focus on exploring how local and regional societies, cultures and economies are becoming more integrated and empowered through a global network of communication.