You are invited to provide a workshop contribution to a national conference to share and promote best practice in service user and carer involvement in professional education.
The conference will be held on 26 April 2017 at the University of Stirling and bring together service users and carers, students, educators, professionals and policy-makers. It will be relevant to social work, health, education and other areas of professional education, at qualifying and post-qualifying levels.
Workshops should:
- Showcase good practice in service user and carer involvement in professional education and post-qualifying education and training
- Share learning points and development ideas
- Draw on students’ and professionals’ experiences of the involvement of service users and carers in their courses
- Explore key challenges and ways to overcome them
Examples might include:
- Ways to successfully involve service users and carers, who live in rural locations, in the delivery of professional education
- Ways to address the demands of an increasingly ‘integrated’ workforce: for instance, working across health and social care
- Maximising influence and participation: what does empowerment mean and how can it be achieved?
- Participative working in the context of austerity
- Other challenges particularly relevant to your own work and achievements
Proposals are invited for 45-minute workshops that address one or more of the above themes. It is hoped that the workshops will be a learning opportunity for all involved and be as interactive as possible.
This conference is being organised by Unity Service Users’ and Carers’ group, in collaboration with the University of Stirling Students’ Union, the Scottish Social Services Council and the Scottish Inter-University Service User and Carer Network.
If you would like to participate, please send a 250-word outline of your workshop proposal to: by 17th February 2017.