Friday 24 March saw the launch of Iriss Insight 35 - Gypsy Travellers: Human rights and social work's role - at an event to start conversations to bring about lasting change. The event was a partnership of members of the Gypsy Traveller community, Iriss and Scottish Association of Social Work (SASW), and was chaired by Lesley Riddoch. Held at Glasgow Caledonian University, it formed part of World Social Day celebrations and had 70 people attend. Activities included songs from Elenas Piras, films, discussion and debate.
Gypsy Travellers experience denial of identity, forced assimilation, racial harassment, daily discrimination, a lack of understanding and respect for cultural difference – all on a regular basis. They also experience poorer life outcomes than the settled community, with poverty clearly related to discrimination experienced. (Iriss Insight, 35).
The Insight discusses these issues and the role that social work could play in making change happen. It is written by Ken MacLennan, Roseanna McPhee, Shamus McPhee and Colin Turbett.
Read/download the Insight. Print copies are available on request at:
Any questions can be directed to Kerry Musselbrook.