
Evidence summaries to support social work and social care in Scotland. They are reviewed by people with research, policy and practice expertise to ensure they are robust and meet the needs of social service stakeholders in Scotland.

Social media and social service workers

Insight 46

Explores what is understood by 'social media', perceived risks of using it, opportunities, relationship to workforce wellbeing and future implications for practice.

Restorative justice

Insight 44

Defines restorative justice, outlines the evidence on its use and impact, and discusses its current and potential use as a response to crime in Scotland.

Good practice with adults in adoption

Insight 43

Explores the evidence about the people and relatives relating to adoptions prior to the 1980s when the vast majority were relinquished by birth parents.

Pre-birth child protection

Insight 42

Focuses on pre-birth child protection assessment and care planning, and more specifically, the lead social work role within this work.

Parents with learning disabilities

Insight 37

Brings together the key research findings on supporting parents with learning disabilities to aid practitioners in considering approaches for working with this group.