Fit for the Future: Beautiful Practice Cards

Published in Tools on 11 Oct 2016

A series of blank postcards.

What can this tool be used for?

To encourage people who access support to record beautiful practice that has touched them.

How do you use it?

Give people postcards and ask them to record their experiences of beautiful practice. Explain that you want to find out more about what you do well as an organisation, so that you can do more of that in the future.

It’s useful to ask people to be specific and give real examples. For example, “The staff are always so polite, they take their coats off when they come through the door and always ask me if it’s ok to move my wheelchair.” Collect the cards together and use them to celebrate your team’s good practice at a team meeting or in individual supervision. These cards can also be used as evidence of feedback for the Care Inspectorate.

Outcomes of using this tool

Practitioners are encouraged to support appreciative approaches by identifying, celebrating and building on ‘beautiful practice’.

Would you like to learn more?
We offer hosted sessions expanding on our tools and their use. Contact for more information.