
Tools that support engagement when thinking about issues and working with other people.

Leading for outcomes: Integrated working


What is this guide?

This guide forms part of the Iriss Leading for Outcomes series. The guides are designed to support team leaders, managers and trainers to lead teams in the adoption and implementation of a personal outcomes-focused approach. The initial guide, Leading for outcomes: a guide, gives general evidence-based advice and support in leading this approach within the context of adult services.

Outcomes Toolbox

A toolbox of resources relevant to an outcomes-focused approach in social services

Developed by Iriss in partnership with Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland (CCPS), the Outcomes Toolbox brings together a range of resources and knowledge relevant to an outcomes-focused approach in the social services.

It includes:

Leading for outcomes: Children and young people

An outcomes-focused approach with children and young people

A practical tool for leaders to use with staff to promote understanding of an outcomes-focused approach with children and young people.

Leading for outcomes: Dementia

Exploring an outcomes-focused approach within the context of dementia

Leading for outcomes: dementia can be used in conjunction with Leading for outcomes: a guide. This guide seeks to explore how staff can be supported to effectively practice an outcomes-focused approach within the context of dementia. It provides information about dementia including key policies and legislation as well as signposts to other relevant resources.

Future risks and opportunities toolkit

Building strategies for the future

A set of 19 cards which describe different techniques and methods, and 3 diagrams, which explain the technique, when it may be useful, the amount of expertise the tools requires, the time the tool can take to work through, how many people may benefit from being involved and a ‘how to use’ guidelines.

Leading for outcomes: a guide

Outcomes-focused practice

Leading for outcomes: a guide provides support and training materials for leading social services staff and those in related disciplines to practice in an outcomes-focused way. The guide is aimed at team leaders, managers and those in training roles. It is primarily addressed at those working in adult social care.

More about Leading for outcomes