Tools that support engagement when thinking about issues and working with other people.
Fit for the Future: Lessons for collaboration
Fit for the Future: Values based recruitment
Fit for the Future: Business planning
Plan for prevention - prompt cards
Preventing loneliness and social isolation for older people
WITTY (What's Important To You?)
Create your own personalised map of what is important in your life to help promote well-being
Difficulties, decisions, deliberations
Leading for outcomes: integrated working, Part one
Defining what is meant by integrated working
What do we mean by integrated working
In any discussion of integrated working, a first prerequisite is that all parties define what they are talking about. Integrated working is one of those terms that has come to mean different things to different people so it is essential to ensure that everyone is talking about the same thing.
Leading for outcomes: integrated working, Part three
Practising and sustaining the outcomes-focused approach in integrated working
- Identifying different types of outcomes
- Achieving an outcomes-focused approach
- Addressing the challenges of introducing an outcomes approach
- Involving service users and carers in identifying outcomes
- Sustaining an outcomes approach
- Providing leadership for an outcomes-focused approach
The challenges of working in an outcomes-focused way in integrated working
Many people who receive support will be used to a service-
Leading for outcomes: integrated working, Part two
Understanding and promoting an outcomes-focused approach in integrated working