
Leading for outcomes: Children and young people

An outcomes-focused approach with children and young people

A practical tool for leaders to use with staff to promote understanding of an outcomes-focused approach with children and young people.

Measuring outcomes in Angus

The wellbeing web

What is the wellbeing web?

In 2011, Angus Council produced the wellbeing web. The wellbeing web is an interactive tool designed to facilitate an engaging and positive process to measure outcomes with children and adults. The wellbeing web is used to capture specific outcomes, and for those receiving support to recognise where they are, where they would like to be, and what steps they need to take to get there.

Leading for outcomes: Dementia

Exploring an outcomes-focused approach within the context of dementia

Leading for outcomes: dementia can be used in conjunction with Leading for outcomes: a guide. This guide seeks to explore how staff can be supported to effectively practice an outcomes-focused approach within the context of dementia. It provides information about dementia including key policies and legislation as well as signposts to other relevant resources.

Supporting outcomes-focused practice

Iriss Forum 2010

Iriss Forum 2010 - Challenging times, creative solutions was the first Iriss Forum. Those who attended had the opportunity to hear from a number of speakers and found out how Iriss can support the social services workforce to 'do things differently'. Was focused on how solutions can be found by working in partnership to deliver successful outcomes for the people that access Scotland's social services.

Leading for outcomes: a guide

Outcomes-focused practice

Leading for outcomes: a guide provides support and training materials for leading social services staff and those in related disciplines to practice in an outcomes-focused way. The guide is aimed at team leaders, managers and those in training roles. It is primarily addressed at those working in adult social care.

More about Leading for outcomes

Evaluating Outcomes in Social Work Education

We live in an age where efficacy is a key issue, particularly in respect of the use of public funds. A poor evidence base underpinning policy or practice is, therefore, a vulnerability that should be avoided.