Perinatal and addiction mental health support
ESSS Outline
ESSS Outline
ESSS Outline
ESSS Outline
ESSS Outline
This is where it starts
The wellbeing web
In 2011, Angus Council produced the wellbeing web. The wellbeing web is an interactive tool designed to facilitate an engaging and positive process to measure outcomes with children and adults. The wellbeing web is used to capture specific outcomes, and for those receiving support to recognise where they are, where they would like to be, and what steps they need to take to get there.
An outcomes-focused approach in the context of parental substance misuse
Leading for outcomes: Parental substance misuse can be used in conjuction with Leading for outcomes, a guide. This guide is part of the Leading for Outcomes series and explores an outcomes-focused approach with families for whom parental substance misuse is an issue.
A training programme for the social care workforce
This training programme for the social care workforce carries detailed information about solvent and volatile substance abuse, together with a range of materials that you can download and refer to again and again. This resource also contains audio interviews, videos, factsheets and in-depth training materials that you'll be able to take away and use in the training of others.