Child protection

Impact of women specific interventions

ESSS Outline

Summarises evidence relating to the effectiveness of women specific interventions in addressing complex needs and the role they may play as preventative strategies in children's services.

Integrated assessments in children’s services

ESSS Outline

Explores the evidence around integrated assessment in children's services, including children's and families' experiences of the assessment process, good practice, electronic information systems, data protection, privacy and the potential impacts of surveillance.

Change is a Must (CIAM)

This is where it starts

Change Is a Must (CIAM) was developed in response to the local and national focus on early years, early intervention, and the increase in numbers of children on the Child Protection Register who are affected by parental substance misuse. CIAM reflects priority areas within Perth and Kinross Single Outcome Agreement, as well as national policy.

Audit and analysis of Significant Case Reviews

Written by Sharon Vincent (University of Wolverhampton) and Alison Petch (Iriss), this report presents the findings from an audit and analysis of the 56 Significant Case Reviews (SCRs) and 43 Initial Case Reviews (ICRs) conducted in Scotland since 2007.