
Iriss Beyond 2024

We are asking for people to voice their opinions on Iriss's strategy moving forward through 2024.

Holly and Sam reflect on the recent ASPire conference

An audience looking at a screen with the word ASPire projected

Iriss was delighted to host the in-person ASPire conference on the 22nd of February 2024 on behalf of the National Adult Support and Protection Coordinator and the Learning and Development Network. 100 of you lovelies gathered at The Barracks Conference Centre in Stirling to learn and chat about Sextortion, Undue Pressure and Learning Reviews.  

Iriss is looking for partners!

Iriss is continuing its work implementing innovation and change in social work and social care, and is looking for project partners for 2024/25.

We work alongside our partners to tackle existing issues, facilitate positive change, and help services to innovate. 

If you, or your organisation, is experiencing a problem or you need some help implementing an idea, get in touch! 

To learn about some of our work with our existing partners, see here.

SCOPE stories

Transforming complex care

This resource describes a project undertaken by Iriss and the SCOPE team, part of Perth & Kinross Health & Social Care Partnership (HSCP). Iriss and the SCOPE team worked together in 2022 to understand the difference the SCOPE approach is making to the team and those it supports. We captured stories from the SCOPE team members and other partner services about how SCOPE is different, why this matters and the ways in which this is transformational for people with complex needs.

Using evidence for change: domestic abuse

Working with domestic abuse in families with children

Four papers focused on supporting multi-agency communication in working with domestic abuse in families with children.

Iriss on...Making Recovery Real

A short paper on the Making Recovery Real approach, with insight from Louise Christie (SRN) and Ruth Brown (Team Leader and Chair of Making Recovery Real in Dundee.