Understanding and measuring outcomes
The role of qualitative data
Reports, project outcomes, articles and other documents.
The role of qualitative data
This report is about a Public Social Partnership (PSP) pilot in Falkirk, which focused on foster care services. Public Social Partnerships (PSP) are an innovative model of public service delivery, which is based upon the public sector and third sector working together to design and deliver public services.
Eight case studies of work with children and parents in the early years
Improving research use in the third sector
This project report details the process and findings of a project to improve research use in the third sector undertaken between July 2011 - July 2012, funded by the ESRC (RES-173-27-0231).The project involved undertaking an audit of research use prior to the project, undertaking a range of activities aimed at improving research use across the organisation and evaluating the impact of these different activities.
Improving research use in the third sector
This report details the use of research across Apex Scotland and identifies ideas about where improvements can be made. This report represents a baseline picture of research use at the beginning of a project, funded by Apex Scotland and the ESRC.
Improving research use in the third sector
This summary describes the findings from a project to improve research use in Apex Scotland, and to share the learning with others. There are specific reflections likely to be of interest for other third sector organisations and for academics. Further details about this project, including a report about the project, can be found on the Improving research use in the third sector: Project report.
Improving research use in the third sector
Response by Apex Scotland to the suggestions generated through the Improving research use in the third sector project.
Written by Sharon Vincent (University of Wolverhampton) and Alison Petch (Iriss), this report presents the findings from an audit and analysis of the 56 Significant Case Reviews (SCRs) and 43 Initial Case Reviews (ICRs) conducted in Scotland since 2007.
Improving research use in the third sector
Below are slides from two workshops conducted as part of a project with Apex Scotland to help improve their research use, and develop wider lessons about supporting research use for third sector organisations. Further details of the project can be found here: Improving research use in the third sector.
Can higher education digital repositories help?
Higher education repositories are on-line spaces where university staff can deposit their research outputs, making them available for anyone to access for free. This report explores the potential for higher education repositories in Scotland to make a greater contribution to improving access to research for the social services.