
Reports, project outcomes, articles and other documents.

PROP (Practitioner Research: Older People)

Final reports

Final reports of the Practitioner Research: Older People (PROP) project, a partnership between the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) and Iriss. The project was about health and social care for older people.

Visualised information to support social services in Scotland

Infopics provide visualised information to support social services in Scotland and have been designed as companion documents to Iriss Insights. Infopics highlight and interpret the data behind key sector themes in a way that is visual and accessible.

Self-directed support: a voyage of discovery

Evidence explorers project report

At times of change and uncertainty, evidence becomes very important to build confidence about how to put policy into practice. Although some relevant evidence exists, as it becomes the mainstream mechanism fordelivering social care, self-directed support (SDS) will bring significant new challenges and evidence needs.

Capacity building for mobile learning

Simple and accessible tools to help you create, find and share learning materials

During 2012-13 Iriss, in partnership with the SSSC ran a series of workshops for people involved in designing or delivering learning.


The Knowledge Management Strategy for the social services recognises that web-based tools - social bookmarking, Twitter, newsfeeds, Google search and Facebook - are now widely used for communication, collaboration and learning.

Social Assets in Action: Evaluation Report

Commissioned by IRISS, East Dunbartonshire CHP and East Dunbartonshire Council

The Project aimed to incorporate strength-based practice in the delivery of mental health services by piloting Personal Asset Mapping, and to broaden awareness of community assets in order to show options outside of public service delivery including through developing a Community Well-being (asset) Map. This was intended to complement rather than replace attention to the needs of people who use services.

Social Services Expo and Conference 2013: Resources

Presentations and documents

This event was held on 19th March 2013 at Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh and was a collaboration between, ADSW, Care Inspectorate, COSLA, IRISS, SASW, SSSC and The Scottish Government

Understanding and measuring outcomes

The role of qualitative data

This guide has been developed to support the collection and use of personal outcomes data. Personal outcomes data refers to information gathered from people supported by health and social services and their unpaid carers about what's important to them in their lives and the ways in which they would like to be supported.

This is where it starts

Eight case studies of work with children and parents in the early years

Learning from eight case studies of work with children and parents in the early years (pre-birth to eight years old).