
Reports, project outcomes, articles and other documents.

Delivering integrated care and support

Report commissioned by ADSW

Second review of evidence completed for ADSW by Professor Alison Petch on the factors that underpin best health and social care integrated practice.

Exploring the relationships between evidence and innovation in the context of Scotland’s social services

Executive summary of report written by Jodie Pennachia

Executive summary

This report uses theoretical, empirical and practice literatures and case studies to reflect on the links between evidence and innovation in the context of Scotland's social services. It bridges two of the core work streams at Iriss; evidence-informed practice and innovation and improvement.

Changing how we work

A case study in East Lothian

Iriss worked with East Lothian Council for nine months between October 2012 and July 2013 to help facilitate their Getting it Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) and Child Protection Quality Improvement Sub-group (hereafter known as 'the group'). This was a multi-agency group, consisting of representatives from Children's Wellbeing Social Work, Child Protection, Education, Health, the third sector (specifically Children 1st) and the Police.

Embedding ideas

An animated guide

Embedding ideas is an animated guide to frameworks, tools and practical examples that will help you grow your own ideas.

Imagining the Future: Workforce

The future social services workforce in Scotland 2025


Aims and ambitions

Over the next 10-15 years there are likely to be significant changes both in the numbers requiring access to support and the strategies for responding to this.

Imagining the Future: Citizenship and Innovation

How innovation in social services can advance citizenship for all in Scotland

Change occurs when old patterns break down and new patterns begin to replace them. Change is not always good. In human affairs it is just as likely that people will react with fear, hatred or injustice to change. So the challenge is not just to change - but to change well - to innovate. If innovation means good change then this forces us to ask a further question - what is good?

Imagining the Future

Background and rationale

A scenario planning tool which explores four different worlds that might emerge depending on the interplay of social, political and economic factors.