News and events

Priorities of the Scottish Government for 2019-20 and our work to support them.
Attend our evidence café on 3 October in Glasgow on the theme of NQ social workers, supervision and child protection.
Attend a creative and interactive Iriss workshop in Edinburgh on 25 September 2019.
The Evidence Search and Summary Service (ESSS) helps you find and use evidence from research, practice and experience to inform practice.
Attend a free event on 28 August where the SSSC, Iriss and the Care Inspectorate will explore how to support people’s learning to promote improvement activity within services.
Every year we publish at least five Iriss Insights on topics related to social services in Scotland. What's the focus this year?
The Shaping our Future: Relationships Matter conference was held on 31 May 2019. Kerry Musselbrook, Project Manger at Iriss, provides an overview of the day. 
We’ve refreshed and updated Scotland's social services podcast - audio gold on research, projects, people and events related to social work and social care.
A practical guide that can contribute to service innovation, help recovery and support desistance from offending. 
The Scottish Government has published a new Restorative Justice Action Plan, which sets out its vision for high-quality restorative justice services.