News and events

A celebration of Co-Production Week Scotland.
A new series of short papers for practitioners and managers on various social services approaches.
Recent Iriss publications on the topic of recording practice.
An Iriss event to celebrate Co-production Week Scotland.
Self Management Week takes place every year to raise awareness of what it is and to showcase the benefits it can bring to people’s lives. 
Two online resources designed by CYCJ and Iriss have been updated and revised for 2019. 
A SSSC careers website that provides information, advice and over 20 practitioner career stories.
Four stories that beautifully illustrate what leadership looks like from ground level - and the difference it can make to people's lives.
Priorities of the Scottish Government for 2019-20 and our work to support them.
Attend our evidence café on 3 October in Glasgow on the theme of NQ social workers, supervision and child protection.