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Aberlour Bridges

This is where it starts

Aberlour Bridges is an early intervention model aiming to break cycles of poverty and deprivation and tackle the long-term cost implications of under-achievement. The overall aim of the service is to…
A summary that defines spirituality, the links between person-centred care, dignity and spiritual care and implications for practice.
Iriss is happy to announce our review of the year for 2012, summarising our work over the calendar year.

This is where it starts

Eight case studies of work with children and parents in the early years

Learning from eight case studies of work with children and parents in the early years (pre-birth to eight years old).
Considers what can be learned from existing research on self-directed support, related initiatives and experience elsewhere.

Improving research use in the third sector: project report

Improving research use in the third sector

This project report details the process and findings of a project to improve research use in the third sector undertaken between July 2011 - July 2012, funded by the ESRC (RES-173-27-0231).The…

Pre-project research use at Apex Scotland

Improving research use in the third sector

This report details the use of research across Apex Scotland and identifies ideas about where improvements can be made. This report represents a baseline picture of research use at the beginning of a…
This summary describes the findings from a project to improve research use in Apex Scotland, and to share the learning with others. There are specific reflections likely to be of interest for other…

Apex Scotland's response to improving research use project

Improving research use in the third sector

Response by Apex Scotland to the suggestions generated through the Improving research use in the third sector project.
Apex Scotland is a third sector organisation working throughout Scotland to improve the lives of people who have offended or are at risk of offending. It is involved in a range of interventions: from…