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Der Weg aus Straftaten - Deutsche Untertitel

Was können wir von jenen Ex-Straffälligen lernen, die sich erfolgreich distanziert haben von ihrer kriminellen Vergangenheit oder "anständige Bürger" wurden?

Dieser Film wurde als Teil eines Projekts produziert, das sich zum Ziel setzt, Wissen zu teilen und das Verständnis dafür zu fördern, warum Menschen letztlich den Ausstieg aus der Kriminalität…

Road rikoksen - suomalainen tekstitetty

Mitä voimme oppia entisiltä vangeilta, jotka ovat menestyksekkäästi irrottautuneet rikollisuudesta ja päässeet kaidalle polulle?

Tämä elokuva on tuotettu osana projektia, jonka tarkoitus on auttaa ymmärtämään, miksi ihmiset irrottautuvat rikollisuudesta. Discovering Desistance Blog sisältää lisätietoja projektista, ja sen…

Désistant - français Sous-titrée

Quels enseignements peut-on tirer des anciens prisonniers qui ont réussi à renoncer au crime ou qui ont « retrouvé le droit chemin » ?

Ce film a été produit dans le cadre d'un projet visant à partager les connaissances que l'on a des raisons qui poussent certains à abandonner le crime et à en améliorer la compréhension. Pour en…

The Road from Crime - English subtitled

What can we learn from those former prisoners who have successfully “desisted” from criminal behaviour or “gone straight?”

This film has been produced as part of a project to share knowledge and improve understanding about why people desist from offending. For details about the wider project and for an opportunity to…

Shaping the choreography of care and support for older people in Glasgow

Report of the Shaping the Choreography of Care and Support project

The government's Reshaping Care for Older People (RCOP) agenda highlights the need to change the way we plan and deliver care and support. Not only does it mean improving a whole range of services,…

Talking Mats, the Continuous Learning Framework and outcomes

Gathering feedback about staff qualities and capabilities from people who use services: using Talking Mats and the Continuous Learning Framework

St Joseph's Service is part of a registered national charity- Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. St Joseph's provides support services for people with a learning disability in Midlothian…

Knowledge management in practice - Charlene Tait

Interview with Charlene Tait, development director, Scottish Autism

In this short video, new Iriss Champion, Charlene Tait, describes the process of sharing knowledge to improve practice within Scottish Autism. This forms part of the Iriss evidence informed practice…
Iriss, Shared Care Scotland, Coalition of Carers in Scotland and MECOPP worked together to carry out research into unpaid carers' experiences of short breaks from caring. The study explored, from the…

Mobile learning in the workplace - Keith Quinn, Alice Gilligan, Thomas Gourlay

A cost effective approach to improving learning retention

Keith Quinn, Senior Education and Workforce Development Adviser with SSSC (Scottish Social Services Council), describes an e-learning model which uses the Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) console to…

Creating a culture of innovation

Final report of the Creating a Culture of Innovation project

Report that provides an overview and analysis of activities undertaken by Iriss - insights that have been gathered over the course of the Creating a Culture of Innovation project and a review of…