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Looks at how the diverse needs of disabled people can be addressed in an organisation’s values statement. It also summarises evidence on the values that can support the workforce in delivering…

Supporting workforce challenges

Process and evaluation

Project rationale Supporting Workforce Challenges is a continuation of Iriss' project The View from Here which aimed to understand the experiences of Scotland's social services workforce. This…

The Tea-Brief

What would happen if we took five minutes, just for us?

A tea-brief is a debrief with a difference. It's an opportunity to take time for reflection, and build stronger relationships in a staff team. You can take a tea-brief after an incident, or can…

Co-producing cultural competency

Working with the Govanhill Roma Community

Project inspired by the Iriss evidence summary that explores social work’s role in upholding the human rights of Scottish Gypsy Travellers.
Explores evidence around the outcomes of involvement in social enterprises for young people with additional support needs.

East Lothian Champions Board

Showcasing Community Social Work

Scottish Government initiative, bringing care-experienced young people aged 14-25 into the strategic planning of care services.

Be Active Life Long

Showcasing Community Social Work

Active ageing groups, run by and for older people, help over 700 people a week stay active and connected to their community.
Summarises evidence relating to participation frameworks for children and young people in social care, including examples of good practice as well as specific contexts, such as in child protection,…
This evidence review was commissioned by Life Changes Trust to explore the evidence around the contribution of community-led approaches to social care and support to human rights and equalities…
Explores the involvement of service users in quality assurance and service evaluation processes and identifies potential benefits and approaches to service user participation.