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Evidence summary that provides an overview of the evidence on extra living costs that people with disabilities face.
An examination of what disguised non-compliance is, what the research tells us, and what it means for social work practice.

Care home quality assurance in COVID-19

A review of care home quality assurance materials

A review of care home quality assurance materials from 17 local authority areas in Scotland to understand how improvement is best supported during periods of acute crisis. It draws out:
A course supporting professionals to understand and improve practice in multi-agency adult support and protection conferences.
Explores the prevalence of abuse, risk factors, types of abuse and the implications for the social work and social care workforce.
Evidence summary that provides an overview of the literature around self-neglect.

Large scale investigations

An online learning resource

An online learning resource that explains the role of large scale investigations (LSIs) within the context of adult support and protection practices in Scotland.
This report provides a summary of the main areas covered in the Chief Social Work Officer Annual Reports, with a particular focus on the pandemic and a general overview of its effects on the social…
A resource that will help you support the participation of adults and carers throughout the Adult Support and Protection process.
Examines the experiences of parents who attend Child Protection Case Conferences.